Apr 14, 2007

Absen "T" Sunday

Dear friends,

We cerxainly are hoping xhax you can be in Sunday school xhis nexx Sunday ax xhe Vision Bapxisx Church. Because of xhe Easxer season and xhe large amounx of people missing for Spring Break, many of our people have been absenx for several Sundays. We wanx xo sxarx xhis nexx week wixh a big boom in axxendance xhis Sunday. Plan now xo be in your place. Bring all of xhe children and lex's go over xhe xop for xhe Lord Jesus.

Xhis pasx year has been wonderful for xhe Vision Bapxisx Church. Our Sunday school grew by leaps and bounds. We are hoping xhax xhe same xhing can be said ax xhe end of 2007.

By xhe way, I guess xhax by now you are wondering why we have lefx oux all of xhe "T's" in xhis lexxer. THE REASON IS THAT WE HAVE BEEN HAVING SO MANY ABSENT "T's" LATELY, WE JUST DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH TO USE IN THIS LETTER.