Jul 10, 2007

Focus and Concentration

I dont know if you are a big blog reader, but John Pearson's is a good one.  I thought this was especially good about Focus and Concentration.  Tell me what you think.

"The power of focus and concentration remains largely untapped. This is some great info.

Much of what gets blamed on poor time management is actually the result of splattering ourselves in small quantities against a range of things which we will probably never finish. The man determined to finish a task fully and to know all he can about it will find a multitude of success. The man who doles himself to such a range of tasks as to leave no stone unturned will find nothing built though he touched every stone. O.S. Marden said, "Not many things indifferently, but one thing supremely, is the demand of the hour. He who scatters his efforts in this intense concentrated age, cannot hope to succeed.

Carlyle adds "the weakest living creature, by concentrating his powers on a single object, can accomplish something; where as the strongest, but dispersing his over many, may fail to accomplish anything."

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