Jul 5, 2007

Mental Stimulation, Part 1

I have been thinking lately about relationships among ourselves and others and have been learning some things that i wanted you all to think about.  i have thought of 4 areas of a relationship:


    1. Spiritual - foundational, formational, and permeating all other levels of the relationship - most time should be spent strengthening this level!
    2. Mental - what we are talking about, thinking rightly
    3. Emotional - very real, but mainly dependent on what happens in the other areas 
    4. Physical - an obvious one.

but then there is the one i am wondering about.....mental stimulation.  i thought about how to describe it a lot before i wrote this and i think "stimulation" is the best word to use.  i want to provoke you to think, and i want you to provoke me to think.  "iron sharpeneth iron..."

but it that requires two people that are independent in their thinking.  Not 2 people that just agree with each other at all, but 2 people that challenge one another, and provoke one another.

this really isnt dependent amount of intelligence, but rather a method of thinking.  there are tons and tons, like 90% of the world, that just accept what they have been taught, believe what they have heard, repeat what is supposed to be repeated, and are satisfied.  but they never really know it experientally!  well, i dont want to be one of those people.  i want to see something, evaluate it, analyze it, see if it is really true, meditate upon it, think about things that could be better about it, and then act on it.  you know what i mean??  and if you dont think like that right now, that's fine, i just think if you dont, you would really enjoy starting:)

to be continued tomorrow....

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