Jul 6, 2007

Mental Stimulation, part 2...

maybe i can explain it a little better....

i guess it is really almost like a personality or curiosity or desire.  lets say X subject comes up.  you could ask what i think, and i could just give the correct answer. short and simple. or i could say, "ive really thought about X a lot, its funny that you ask me about that because i was just wondering about that and dont really understand it fully.  it seems like everyone is just skipping over this obvious point that comes up when you start to study it a little, you know?? have you ever thought about that?"  and you would answer, wow, i was kinda wondering the same thing, but didnt want to say anything..."  or somethign like that.

i am really not thinking about studying books only, i am talking about evaluating life, situations, people, circumstances, reactions, etc.  and finding out how i should then live.  so i can be fully persuaded in my own mind

i think this is one of the main areas that people probably miss it on relationships, and miss out on a lot.  two thinking people helping and stimulating the other to think.  staying out of the status quo.  recognizing mediocrity.  pointing out thoughts that are unchallenged and untested and strengthening them.

and, i think it is Biblical:
 - God asks us to search for Him and promises we will find him when we search with all our heart
 - If we look at the guy God used to be the apostle to the Jews, gave the keys to, chose to preach on Pentecost, it was the guy asking the questions and seeking out the answers.  arguing, questioning, and evaluating.  but as a result, passionate.
 - draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you.

He wants us to know Him, not facts.  so seek to know Him.  Ask the questions and have the courage to find the answers!

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