Nov 2, 2007

#2 Sign a Relationship is in Trouble

from this blog...

#2 - You Have To Continually Defend The Relationship–Especially To Those Who Love You.

They say love is blind…and I would say that is just about right in many instances I have seen. He/she begins dating someone and, after a few dates the term "reasonable decision" is thrown out the window. People come to you, confront you…but you just won't hear it because you are determined that this is THE one.  (If you say that with everyone you date–face it–you have issues!!!)
The Bible says in Proverbs 27:6 that wounds from a friend can be trusted. So, ask yourself, if your friends who love you keep expressing concern should you ignore it–OR–at least be willing to lay the relationship before the Lord to just see if He might be trying to communicate to you through your friends.

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